I love my life…

There are no words to describe how much I love what I do. I started working in Child Care when I was just 14 years old…helping out after school…working all summer long…I just couldn’t think of a better place to be! Now in my 40’s there are still children from those early years in my career that I stay in contact with. I still see them as 3 & 4 year old’s even though there close to their 30’s (ok…that’s just not fair!!).  Anyway, I have always felt so at home with children in my life…at family parties, I was the teenager who WANTED to sit at the kids table! I was the one running around keeping all the little cousins entertained.

So here we are, several years older…several careers later…and several years wiser and I am finally able to get back to what I truly love. I can’t think of a better place to be than with a camera around my neck, a newborn in my arms, in a room full of love. Being with a family celebrating the life of a child is an amazing feeling…whether it’s their first child, or their fourth…the love that surrounds them is so strong, so pure, you just want to breathe it in. They have no sleep, perhaps a toddler running around, the house is a “mess” (usually isn’t, but every one always apologizes and says that it is), there are 14 loads of laundry waiting in line, the in-laws are coming into town…all of this going on, and yet they glow, despite all the craziness there is a divine expression in their eyes the moment they look at their baby. All the cares & worries disappear like magic…that is the moment I live for! To capture that moment…and to be able to provide families with a keepsake of that moment is the reason I was put on this earth. To capture their baby, sleeping, in their arms…to capture their tiny features that will never again be so delicate…I am speechless…

I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to do what I love…